Will Our Creativity RUN OUT?!


Every creative process evolves, grows, or gets dismantled. Like the great quote from Heraclitus, “the only thing that is constant is change.” There is another quote from him however, that states, “it is in changing that we find purpose.” That to me, is the name of the game with creativity, and this brings me to my main point for this post:

Will we be able to keep creating?

This anxiety-inducing question can come from a lot of different places, like being financially, emotionally, or mentally stable, but when you boil it all down it’s the same place: worry & fear. If you’ve fallen victim to the thoughts or feelings that come from fear, you’re certainly not alone…especially if you’re an artist. But let’s break this down in order to realign our path with our purpose and that comes with one word:


God, this is a tough one for me. I’m still battling with this as I type. Not just with our creative side, but accepting our past and present. Accepting disappointment with ourselves and others, accepting that we don’t have the things that we want, accepting potential failure. Accepting relationships that don’t work out, accepting our family members for who they are, accepting our own faults. Accepting how messed up the world is and how helpless we may feel to change it.

Here’s the flipside:

Accepting that we are exactly where we’re supposed to be, accepting that great things are coming, accepting that we can work with what we have, accepting others for doing the best they can, accepting that everything in life is happening for us and not to us. This road to acceptance leads to another theme:


Accepting where we are and finding ways to be grateful for it is the exact opposite force of the victimization that keeps us stuck in a cycle. As I write this all out I understand that as much as I am sharing this with you, the reader, I am also writing this to myself. These are the things that I am learning now and I believe them to be so powerful and transforming–and I want to extend these teachings into the creative community.

Believe me when I say, adapting to this outlook is much easier said than done. I am really battling with it–some days I feel lighter and that I have a hold on it, while other days I fall back into grieving past hardships. What I have learned is this outlook is primarily dependent on this:

Our chosen perspective.

This pertains to what meaning we give to our life events. Our painful past memories can be looked back upon with remorse, guilt, and shame. Or we can choose to accept them as lessons and as memories of resilience. I was listening to the Tony Robbins podcast with Sadhguru, and Sadhguru said something along the lines of, “Those who experience the most pain should be those who are the wisest.” But we often let pain turn us into victims, feigning strength whilst carrying the pain into our future in suppression. Which will later reveal itself again in cycles of triggering events.

Similarly, the meaning we attach to putting out our art can leave us just as vulnerable. When we put out our music, drawings, writings, or content and it yields us little notoriety…we can give it the meaning that this means we are lousy at it. No one cares about us. Then the ego can get involved trying to protect us and tell us let’s not do that anymore, let’s stay in what is more safe from rejection and failure. Our ego can dictate our perspective.

But that is not how we always were, as children we cared little for the opinions outside of our family’s. Unless a stranger was extending a positive word. Our internal sense of accomplishment heavily outweighed the negativity of outsiders or the need to impress those we do not know. This brings to me the takeaway of the main point I addressed earlier:

Internal fulfillment & satisfaction is the better source of sustaining creativity whilst external validation & success can be a source of temporary gratification.

Again, I’m very much in the process of embodying this approach. The euphoric experience of connecting with others through our art can be the most wonderful part of our creative existence. It is most likely how we know our creativity to be our purpose. However, Picasso said, “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”

Consistently searching for purpose through validation can be a trap–like chasing the dragon of social acceptance and significance. As quickly as it comes, it can leave. For some, the “15 minutes of fame” costs everything–and they can end up with nothing at all. Social media can be a platform for the addiction of significance. Hell, sometimes I open my phone to text someone, but I end up on Instagram thinking, why the hell did I even open this thing?

Furthermore, so many creative industries today seek to exploit and take advantage of artists, which makes it even more important to seek our value from within. Knowing our worth as artists can only come from our self-awareness and internal pride in our work. What’s ironic is that it seems when we are focused on that, external success usually comes naturally…or so they say.

But here my mission is to keep creatives creating by expanding our awareness.

So that is why I am relaying these messages to you here and in my YOUTUBE PLAYLIST and hopefully, some words will resonate–or at least provide a perspective. Let me know by contacting me below, subscribing, or sharing with other folks. Helps me know things are making a difference here (oh the irony…I know…).

Stay creative!





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